Thursday, March 21, 2019


Hi, your girl is graduating in the spring and she needs a job. If you know anyone who may want to hire an entertainment reporter tell them to hit up your girl Vanessa Villalobos and I will send them my resume.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


I enjoy movies as much as the next girl. As a little girl, it was something that bonded me and my brother along with my mother. Dad came sometimes when he wasn't too tired from work, but for the most, it was just me, big bro and mom. It almost became a tradition. Growing up with an older brother, of course, I wanted to copy him in every aspect. I mean. how can you not when he's all that you have to role model yourself and look up to? I'm not going to sugarcoat it, my big brother is a full-on nerd, playing computer video games 24 hours straight.... and really into superhero movies, not comic books but you know enough to tell the difference between the different types so of course, we saw the different Marvel movies. As I grew up more and more mom bowed out of taking us to the movies so it was just me and Chris doing this.  Chris is now moved away and doesn't come down often so I really haven't had the  courage to see the lastest Marvel movies. I mean today the new Avengers: Endgame trailer came out. I havent seen the movie previous to this I think thats because I think in my sick and twisted mind it's like a confirmation that the times I had as a child are now over. We're both full grown adults who are separated not only by distance but in priorities. I'm not sure... I don't know where to go from here.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


I mean if you havent heard about thecollege scandal yet, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!?!?!?!! I wont bore you with the details you can find that on your own. I think its ridiculous the extreme that these parnets are going to. I mean there is something that was always engraved into my head by dad. "Whoever has the money thats great, i'm not enviouse, if you have it great and if you dont all well great" But sis I mean how much more of an advantage do you need? You will already have an advantage over half the population and will live an extrodonary life. Do you really need to pay millions of dollars JUST so you can say you graduated from YALE?!?!?!? I'm honestly just so disappointed in this