Wednesday, February 20, 2019

FrIdAy NiGhT

With trying to juggle work, school, shifts at the station I need to create time for myself. I need to remember that it's my last semster in college thats it. After this term i'm done and I'm an adult...... ughhh such a scary thought. I have to take time to make more nights like this one. I think that I need to slow down and enjoy my last couple of nights like this. I think I may even have another one like this.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Don't Make Me Think

I think Don’t’ Make Me Think wasn’t the best model to follow for a younger professional or even a website for a younger audience. I think the best way to make a website is to make it a reflection of yourself. One of the only reasons why someone is checking out your website is because they know it is associated with you. This means that someone believes in you and your message and your brand so much that they are welling to see what else you offer. 

That to me is the only thing. As long as you are true to your brand and your image and the website reflects that then you are doing fine. A couple of other “housekeeping” things to make a website successful is easy navigation. No one wants to be looking around a website for a hundred years looking for one thing. An easy way to clearly see what the public/viewer is looking for is the best route. 

One more thing that is important to have on a website is a contact us portion of the page. It’s important because it allows the viewer to have a place to either praise you for the work that you have done or offer them a chance to “vent” the issues that they are facing. The most important part is to never place your personal phone number on it. If your website is based off a business place the office location and phone number. If your website is like a blog create a separate email that is dedicated to the blog and add a link to the email. 

Back to branding and your website. It needs to be you. You cannot be an energetic and creative person that you portray to the public and then have your website be very boring. It needs to reflect you. Personally, I believe a website is a larger Instagram. It needs to have a color scheme and a variety of photos. Now I understand “my website isn’t about clothes or selling things” in a sense yes it. You are selling yourself to the public. But regardless, almost everything in the website needs to have an image. Even if it just to set the vide, mood, feeling of that specific page. A lot of people are visual people so having an image of something will only help you out in the end and not hurt you. 

The final thing to make your website successful is to attach any and every social media to your website. We live in an age where your social media holds more weight than your resume. If you have a big following in social media companies are more likely to take a second look at you than others, because you can bring a good amount of new audience to that company. So, you always have to have your social media up to date, and up to “brand”. Always connect your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest (if you are a blogger, fashion, food, arts, culture icon), and LinkedIn.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Confession Time

Okay so its not a serect that I am graduating this semster from UF. For the longest time I always knew that I wanted my life to be in-front of the camera. Then I narrowed it down to doing entertainment. Heres the thing theres no entertainment track here to study so literally its either news or sports. Dont get me wrong I like sports and I know it, just not enough to report on it play by play. So that leaves me in news..... and I hate it. I've been thinking what if down the line I dont want want to do this any more? I mean right now I feel like I dont want to do this anymore. But I mean I've come this far, for pete's sake I 'm graduating this semster!! UUUGGHHHHHH I dont know what to do. I'm scared to completely be an adult. I don't want to graduate and leave the amazing friends and sisters I've meet. I clearly don't do well with change.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Big/Little Pt.1

This semester I have the wonderful opportunity to take on a little.  It's time to expand our family.  I mean look at us 
who would not want to be a part of this gorgous family. It was honesly one of the happiest days that I can remeber. Let me explain what this means. When you first join greek life you can choose your big. This is the person who is suppose to mentor you and show you the way of not only the sorority but about everything. They are there to answer any questions you have, and to be there for you as a sibling, hence the term big sister or big brother.  The process is meant to be a secret and it is the most nerve-racking thing I've experienced. This is only the start stay tuned for an update...