Thursday, February 7, 2019

Confession Time

Okay so its not a serect that I am graduating this semster from UF. For the longest time I always knew that I wanted my life to be in-front of the camera. Then I narrowed it down to doing entertainment. Heres the thing theres no entertainment track here to study so literally its either news or sports. Dont get me wrong I like sports and I know it, just not enough to report on it play by play. So that leaves me in news..... and I hate it. I've been thinking what if down the line I dont want want to do this any more? I mean right now I feel like I dont want to do this anymore. But I mean I've come this far, for pete's sake I 'm graduating this semster!! UUUGGHHHHHH I dont know what to do. I'm scared to completely be an adult. I don't want to graduate and leave the amazing friends and sisters I've meet. I clearly don't do well with change.

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