Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Tipping Point

I think The Tipping Point, was a really good form of reference to look back at.  The law of the few is broken down to “80/20 Principle, which is the idea that in any situation roughly 80 percent of the 'work' will be done by 20 percent of the participants.” The people can be described as:
Connectors: they usually know people across an array of social, cultural, professional, and economic circles, and make a habit of introducing people who work or live in different circles, or as I like to call them social people, talkative people, they to me are usually the ones who get in trouble in class for speaking too much. 
Mavens: people we rely upon to connect us with new information. These are the news outfits, professors, researchers are some of the common examples for now a day. 
Salesmen: these are persuaders, people with powerful negotiation skills. Honestly the name of this category of says it all, think of them as the people who are hell-bent on selling you that warranty when you know that the product will outlive it, but they somehow convince you that YOU NEED IT. 

I think that this is something that is essential for society to function. Without salesmen, I personally feel that people would be all the same. If everyone thought the same, one that is a utopia and as we all know, or should know that it doesn’t work. It would also make for a very boring society. Without Mavens how would the public be informed? As Thomas Jefferson said, “knowledge is power.” Without Mavens society wouldn’t be able to make informed decisions, opinions and actions. It’s like trying to make the argument that the sky is green. If there wasn’t someone who scientifically proved that the sky is blue and had an outlet to inform the public, one everyone would think that the sky is green or that the ones who see it blue have a disease. We as a society wouldn’t be able to form our strong pinon on things such as politics if we didn’t have all the details to form them. Now if we don’t have a source we don’t have a story. Sorry that was the reporter in me saying this. Without connectors, I don’t think that society or even me as a person I would function. Connectors are the eyes and ears of society. They are the ones who have the story, information or knowledge that people seek. I mean let's take this easy example as one. If someone wanted to learn more about the LGBTQ community and doesn’t have a friend who is part of the community, what do they do, because books can only do so much and to some people, books just don’t do things justice. You would need a connector to put you in touch with someone who is part of the community, a support group, anyone to teach, and through the experience that they face they will pass on their knowledge and what they learned. 
I could keep going on and on but I honestly think you should check out The Tipping Point  

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Meet My Friends Part 2

This next girl is a boss. Alyssa Bethencourt anchors with me on fridays. She as well as Tessa and myself want to be entertainment reporters. She's been able to get out of jams during will live on air. According to her blog she wants to produce and I have no doubt that she can succed in that.

OHHHHH!!! Abby Murphy is someone who is probably one of the nicest person. I love that her blog is about food something that I am very passionnete about. She also want to do entertainmetnt. Shes actually in GHQ with me and shes intern at Y100 so proud of her.

This last person is someone whos gone so far in the news career. Quan McWilintro works for WUFT and a station in Jacksonville. He's in between them every week and I cant believe how he manages to do so. I am very proud of him and I know that he will go far.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Meet My Friends

As you go through your time in college you make some really amazing friends. Most of them are going to be in your major. Others aren't and that is what makes it so much fun.

We'll start off with a friend that I am most proud of Rachel West we meet in TV1 and she was one of the top students in the class. Now she's still enrolled at UF but she got an amazing opportunity to do an internship with the Tampa Bay Rays and shes currently there but shell be back for graduation....hopefully.

Next, we have Lauren Staff we were partners for TV2 and we suffered every Tuesday to get a story, she will also be graduating in the fall. She loves to cover gymnastics. I believe that she will go really far.

This next girl was one of the first friends that I made in my time at UF, Tessa Bentulan shes wants to be an Entertainment Reporter like me. She's gone so far during her time at UF and I'm honestly so proud of her.